MCCC Ministries
Serving our Church and Community with Joy!
Children’s Ministry:
We love children at MCCC! Each Sunday we offer programs for children ages infant to 5th grade. This is a safe place where children learn about God as they encounter Him in real ways. We are committed to supporting parents as they raise their children in the love of God. All Children’s Ministry staff/volunteers are trained in Safe Church procedures and pass a background check. For more info: MCCC Safety Policy.

Nursery (Infants – 3 years old):
On Sunday mornings, we offer child care during our worship service for children ages infant – 3 years. The Nursery is a bright, friendly space, with lots of toys and enthusiastic volunteers ready to play with your young ones. We have a simple sign in system to help ensure safety. Once you’ve checked in, you’ll receive a Parent Pager in case you are needed during the service. The Nursery is located in the Children’s hallway, to the left of the Sanctuary.
Parents Room: Children are welcome to stay with parents through the service. We also have a private space for parents with young children. The Parents Room is located at the back of the sanctuary with windows and speakers so you can participate in the service but still have privacy. It is great for nursing moms too. More Info.
Sunday School (4 years old – 5th grade):
Pre-K & Elementary age kids start off worshiping with their parents in the sanctuary. Following the singing, the children are invited to attend age-appropriate classes, exiting through the door to the left of the stage. Teachers lead the kids in an engaging bible story, craft and games that help them dive deeper into the lesson. Children will begin to know Jesus, love God and live their faith in practical, tangible ways. After the service, parents pick up their child(ren) from the classroom. Parents are welcome anytime to visit and observe their child’s class. Teachers should be told of any allergies, medical conditions or special needs a child may have. If your child is ill or has a fever, they should not attend. Monthly we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. At this service, time is allowed during a closing song for parents to pick up their child(ren) from their classes and return to the worship service for Communion. It is up to the parents whether children participate in Communion. More Info.

Youth Group:
MCCC values and encourages a vibrant youth program where young people can express and grow in their love for Jesus. Junior High and Senior High students meet with the Youth Leaders regularly to hang out, grow their faith, participate in service & have fun! Youth often teach Sunday school, participate with the worship team, operate the sound system, greet visitors and help in our nursery! Youth Group is service-oriented, participating in several local service projects, while also enjoying a variety of fun events throughout the year. Sometimes Youth Group meets in other locations, so stay in touch with the Leaders. More Info.
Worship Team:
The Worship Team, led by Director Maggie Braun, use their musical gifts and talents to glorify God. The philosophy of the Worship Ministry at Mill Creek rests on three pillars: Gifts, Expression of Faith, and Commitment. Without one of the three pillars the others fail. The ministry has a desire to move toward more diverse expressions of worship, including visual and kinetic arts, expanding styles of musical arrangement and the leading of the Holy Spirit toward what God has for the community in Mill Creek. The services each week are a mix of modern worship, classic hymns as well as contemporary favorites, creative liturgy and recitation of The Word of God. If you are interested in participating in this ministry in any way, (as a musician, creative, reader, leader) please contact Maggie Braun.

Prayer Team:
MCCC has a strong passion for prayer. After each service, people are invited to receive prayer for anything from healing to praise. There is also an active prayer group who will pray for your needs at any time.

Join Us Sunday Mornings @ 10AM | In-Person or Online
425 745 2094
[email protected]
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